Käyttöohjeet ja ohjelmistoversiot
GP Reader NT – Käyttöohjeet
Version | Released | Update |
GPQTNT 402230en-2.1 | 19.12.2023 | Third english release |
GPQTNT 402230de-2.1 | 19.12.2023 | Third german release |
GPQTNT 402230es-1.1 | 19.12.2023 | Second spanish release |
GPQTNT 402230fr-1.1 | 19.12.2023 | Second french release |
GPQTNT 402230it-1.1 | 19.12.2023 | Second italian release |
GPQTNT 402230en-2.2 | 21.05.2024 | Fourth english release |
Version | Released | Update |
GPR_1.0.0.1 | 1.3.2023 | First production version (English, Spanish) |
GPR_1.0.0.4 | 1.5.2023 | German added, Spanish updated. |
GPR_1.0.0.6 | 15.7.2023 | Italian, French added. Spanish updated. Main menu QUIT enabled for admin only. |
GPR_1.0.0.10 | 13.12.2023 | 1) Print; consistent Test time print (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), print time removed from Results print 2) Improved data record overwrite notification process when Timer used. 3) New BIOHIT logo in use. 4) Language fine tuning: minor changes to texts. One sentence updated on interpretation to display inflammation and PPI instead of PPI only. 5) Additional: Video support |
GPR_1.0.0.17 | 11.3.2024 | 1) Finnish and Romanian languages supported. 2) Some minor GUI text corrections. 3) HL7 messages updated. 4) HP measurement range updated to 10.9-242 EIU. |
GP Reader NT – software versions; As it is highly recommended to use the latest version of the application software, please contact Biohit to access it and instructions on how to update.